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Tuesday 8 November 2011

"Itchy Feet" and other things

Last week I mentioned that I had been re-introduced to a friend of my son and his wife who used to live in my hometown.  Whilst chatting, I found out that she (Kim) had written and published a very interesting book about her travels.  I was quite impressed and purchased one copy for myself and one for our Library because it is written by someone who was born and raised in the Sault.  Way to go Kim.  In case you are reading Kim, the Library was very pleased to receive the donation.

Kim began her travels just after she and her husband (Kyle) were married and he had to go on one of those "awful" business trips.  This one was to Barbados, poor things and was for a week.  Anyway, this is where Kim thinks she caught the travel bug!!  From there it was to Singapore, Switzerland, Malaysia, Thailand and even Canada - the rest is history.  I believe at this very moment they are planning their next trip.  Here are a couple of pictures of the front and back of the book.................

I hope one day you just might be able to read it for yourself - if you can't find it, you can always come and visit the Sault and check our local Library, LOL.

Remember just recently I had completed my refinishing job on an old microwave stand?

Well, even though I was thrilled with the job I had done, as this was a first for me, I felt that there was still something missing and I was toying with the idea of painting magnolias on the sides to match up with my gorgeous deacon's bench.  That idea went out of the window when I found two "plaques" at Value Village.  I didn't know at the time what I was going to do with them but bought them anyway, afterall, if I didn't like them, and had no use for them, it was only a couple of dollars.  I painted them cream and a light went on in this old brain.  "Stick them to the sides of the microwave stand, I says to meself".  To make a short story long, and after many attempts of holding them on with glue, I ended up screwing one in at the top and then covering the screw with, yes, you guessed, cream paint!!  I like the final effect, how about you?


Actually the photograph doesn't do it justice.  Did I show you a picture frame that I had recently distressed?  No?  Well, you get to see it now and in it is a pen and ink drawing that my son Dave did for me many, many years ago when he still lived at home.  I treasure it so much.

I guess this is it for today.  I have to get laundry done and pay a visit to the Library to pick up a couple of DVD's that are on reserve for me, sort through my jewelry because someone wants to take a selection to another town to sell on consignment and I have about five or six other Craft Shows to prepare for this month, starting this weekend.  Busy, busy.  Okay, keep out of trouble.